Annual Report 2020

Spurring Exports In The New Norm MATRADE Organisation 13 01 02 03 04 05 Alternate routes to a common destination #MyAPEC2020 Exhibition was a clear illustration of MATRADE’s quest to be in tandem with the prevailing situation. By conducting the first ever virtual event in collaboration with a local technology partner, Fusionex, in conjunction with Malaysia being the host for APEC 2020, we not only proved our capabilities to respond effectively with rapid digitalisation adaptations, but also offered an immersive and engaging experience to participants from almost every part of the world. Another initiative in the same direction was MATRADE’s organisation of Malaysia’s first Digital Kuala Lumpur International Aerospace Business Convention (KLIABC 2020), done in collaboration with Advanced Business Events France and Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA). KLIABC 2020 provided a nexus for decision makers and world aerospace players to source for regional expertise in the aerospace industry. It also presented Malaysian companies with an effective branding platform for which they may have missed due to the current scenario. Another significant collaboration was with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Ministry of Finance Malaysia to achieve wider outreach for the promotion of Malaysian service providers in various areas, particularly to OIC member countries, towards exploring mutually beneficial trade arrangements. This collaboration is through the publication of “Mapping Malaysia’s Resource Centres (MMRC)”, an e-directory highlighting capabilities and expertise of Malaysian service providers. Advancing into 2021, it is anticipated to be a better year based on international organisations’ forecasts. I believe the business environment will improve with global roll-out of vaccination efforts and gradual relaxation on containment measures. Whatever the future has in store, I am sure the digital pathway of conducting trade will remain a mainstay alongside physical activities. In conclusion, I am grateful to the government for entrusting me with my second appointment as Chairman of MATRADE. I remain committed to bring positive changes into the organisation. I also wish to express my appreciation to all stakeholders, especially the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Board of Directors and all MATRADE staff for your efforts and cooperation throughout 2020. Thank you, TAN SRI DR. HALIM MOHAMMAD Chairman MATRADE